I've dropped off a post-deadline cliff more times than I can remember! This time around I tried to give myself a soft landing by taking a bunch of day trips to re-fill my well of inspiration, and my plan now is to set myself a new mini project, and try to con my brain into thinking I'm just starting the next module, and I only have 12 weeks to do it, and therefore plan my time accordingly. Ordinarily I would be conscious that my brain is too smart to fall for this cunning deception, but some of us have been talking about carrying on a post-MA fortnightly study/crit group (which you're very welcome to join!) to keep up some kind of community and accountability...I think this may be the secret weapon!
I think I would benefit from the post MA group! I have some creative friends who I am grateful for as I can ask about project-cliffs and other practical matters.
Planning a soft landing sounds like a good plan - one that I never seem to put in place as I can't always see past the deadline - unless it's just more work.
I am definitely not too smart to trick myself. In fact, I think a lot of my adult life might be a series of tricks and plots to ensure I don't fall into bad habits!
I've dropped off a post-deadline cliff more times than I can remember! This time around I tried to give myself a soft landing by taking a bunch of day trips to re-fill my well of inspiration, and my plan now is to set myself a new mini project, and try to con my brain into thinking I'm just starting the next module, and I only have 12 weeks to do it, and therefore plan my time accordingly. Ordinarily I would be conscious that my brain is too smart to fall for this cunning deception, but some of us have been talking about carrying on a post-MA fortnightly study/crit group (which you're very welcome to join!) to keep up some kind of community and accountability...I think this may be the secret weapon!
I think I would benefit from the post MA group! I have some creative friends who I am grateful for as I can ask about project-cliffs and other practical matters.
Planning a soft landing sounds like a good plan - one that I never seem to put in place as I can't always see past the deadline - unless it's just more work.
I am definitely not too smart to trick myself. In fact, I think a lot of my adult life might be a series of tricks and plots to ensure I don't fall into bad habits!